A new project: the Travelling Card Club


On Saturday morning I made a visit to the post office box and in it I found a lovely, newsy letter, folded inside the handmade card I’ve photographed at the top of this blog post. The writer, Carole, had been reading my blog and decided to respond in the old-fashioned way, by paper and pen, to share snippets of her life.

At the end of the letter, she added a little post script that gave me an idea. This is what she wrote:

“ps. Re-gift the card. Most of my greetings I sign on a signature tag. If everyone did that, I wonder how far they’d go. It would be fun if after a few years it cycled back to me.”

And then I thought, let’s try it! We’ll send this card around the world, regifting it from one person to the next, and maybe, just maybe, it might even return to Carole! Here’s what I suggest:

  1. If you want in on this, share your postal address with me, using the confidential form below

  2. I will post the card to the first person on the list, that person can send it on to the next person in the list, and so on

  3. When it’s your turn to receive the card, write your first name, city and country inside it. As each of us does this it will fill up, kind of like stamps in a passport. Then contact me for the next address on the list so you can post it on

  4. When either the card is full or we’ve run out of names on the list, the last person can post it back to me and I’ll then send it home to Carole

What do you think? Do you want to join the Travelling Card Club? Pop your address into the form below to be part of this. (If you can’t see the form, click the title of this blog post to view it in your browser).

UPDATE: With more than 120 people on this list, I’ve decided to close it for the time being.*

But I’ve decided to have several Travelling Cards going at the same time! If you’re crafty and would like to see a card of yours travel the world via the Travelling Card Club, simply pop a handmade card into the post for me (remember to leave it blank on the inside) and I’ll send it on its way to the people on this list. My address is PO Box 469, Carlton North, Vic 3054, Australia.

*If I receive enough Travelling Cards, I’ll reopen the list so others can join in.

Naomi Bulger

writer - editor - maker 

slow - creative - personal 


The winter garden diary


Our different dreams