Naomi Loves

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My new blog home

home-1home-2 home-3 Hi there! I'm just popping in today to let you know that this blog has a new home, and to let you know how that might impact you, if you subscribe (also thank you thank you thank you).

If you're thinking it doesn't look much different around here, you'd have a point. All I've actually done is to change my blog address (URL) to match my blog name (revolutionary!). So now, instead of, you will find me at:

This was a move I'd long intended to make, but it happened rather unexpectedly (due to some problematic hosting issues) this week, meaning I didn't have time to warn anybody.

I'm not exactly sure how it all works, but I'm FAIRLY sure that if you subscribe to this blog, you might not receive updates any more (actually you probably won't get this post, either, so, hello? are you there?)


So... if you do subscribe to my blog (and again, thank you!!) and you didn't receive notification of this post in the usual way, but you want to continue receiving updates from me, I'd love it if you would subscribe to Here’s how, depending on how you manage your subscriptions:

Subscribe via email If you subscribed via email using the little box on the right-hand side of my website, you won’t have to change anything. You’re good!

Bloglovin Go to and log in. In the “search blogs” box at the top-right of the page, type “” A preview of the site will come up in a box underneath. You might see a couple of previews (it’s weird I know, I’m sorry), choose the one displaying the most recent “latest posts,” which is probably the first preview box. From there, just click “Follow” and you’re all in.

Feedly Go to and log in. In the “search” box on the top right-hand side, type “” A preview of the site will come up in a box underneath. Click on the little green + on the site preview, and a side-bar on the left-hand side will appear. Categorise my blog wherever you like if you do that, or else skip that step, and just click the “Add” button at the bottom of the sidebar. You’re done!


Those are the popular subscription services that I know about. If you use another, hopefully it’s easy for you to make the switch. Normally, you just need to go into the feed-reader you use, and type “” into the search button. Let me know if I can help!

I want to take this opportunity to thank you for reading my blog. I absolutely love it when I hear from you, and it makes my day to know that you are here, and I’m not sending my little stories and pictures out into a life of loneliness. There is a lot of talk around the Internet world about how blogs are dying out, and social media is “where it’s at” for reaching people. I have a love-hate relationship with social media. I use it, but mostly I resent it. On the other hand, I really love this little corner of the Internet that I can call my very own. It’s ad-free, friendly, creative, celebratory, and inclusive. So I keep it going - sometimes sporadically I know - despite everything else that is going on in my life, and whether or not anyone is reading. But when I learn that YOU are reading, well, that makes it all worthwhile. I am not alone. WE are not alone!

I hope you have a wonderful weekend, dear friend. And if you haven’t already, don’t forget to use the form on my subscribe page to send me your address, so that I can send you something lovely in the mail to say thank-you for reading.

Yours truly, Naomi xo