Snail mail - illustration inspiration
More mail art has been going out to say thank you to people for subscribing to this blog. People have been asking me how I decide what to draw and paint on the mail. Here's an idea of my thinking behind this batch.
∧∧ Clare wrote in her blog about finding a figurine of Krishna in the creek near her house
∧∧ This had something to do with Liesl's email address
∧∧ Adrienne has a blog called Tough City Writer
∧∧ Louise wrote in her comments to me, "I like rabbits"
∧∧ I had an aunt and uncle who used to live in Willoughby and they always gave me books, so I drew some for Bridie
∧∧ Relates to something Laura shared in her message to me
∧∧ Relates to something Sandra shared in her message to me
∧∧ Emily has a blog called Thimble Cat
∧∧ I wanted to make something a bit fairy-story-ish for Kwan-Yu
The end. More soon!