Have sketchbook, will travel

1-chandler_oleary_butchartgardens 2-chandler_oleary_bigbend_chisos 3-chandler_oleary_sf_tennessee 4-chandler_oleary_sf_dogpatch2 5-chandler_oleary_mtrainier_smoke 6-chandler_oleary_boston_tmap 7-chandler_oleary_sanjuan_islands_orcas 8-chandler_oleary_roswellI’ve mentioned before about the road-trip I took across the USA before I moved from New York to Australia. I was blown away by the diversity - of culture, of geography, of architecture, of food - that revealed how little I'd known about the American story. Turns out the story of the USA is way bigger than the life I knew in New York or what you see of Middle America on TV. Who knew?

A couple of months ago I came across Drawn the Road Again, a blog by artist Chandler O'Leary, and, more than anything else, it made me incredibly nostalgic for that perspective-challenging journey.

Chandler shares little snippets of her adventures and discoveries on the road, through thoughtful words and stunning illustrations.

I reckon I could spend years browsing through her travel journals. They are the roadside scrapbooks of my dreams.

10-chandler_oleary_tools 9-chandler_oleary_nodak_stormChandler kindly gave me permission to share her illustrations with you on here. Take a look over on Drawn the Road Again for many more. They are incredible. You can also like Chandler on Facebook, and follow her on Twitter.

Naomi Bulger

writer - editor - maker 

slow - creative - personal 


Meals on Wheels - Round the Way Bagel Burgers


Victorian dispatch - Sovereign Hill