The Storytellers - Restless #5
"I had that restless feeling" by Rhonda Yanitsas
I've felt restless for a good two years now. It's a feeling that's hard to explain but it's been there for that long - tugging at me and always in my mind.
So much has happened in my life over the past two years. I've married my lovely husband, had our beautiful baby boy, changed jobs just a few times and supported my mum through her terminal illness. These events have all changed my life forever.
Another major contributing factor to my feeling of restlessness is my home. When my husband and I got married we were living in a unit owned by his family, with my brother in law living above us and my in-laws around the corner. We knew we wanted to eventually move to start our new life together, but it wasn't that simple. After what seemed an eternity we did move into another unit but that was only another temporary situation.
In my child's first 18 months he has lived in three homes and I haven't moved that much ever. We had our belongings scattered across Sydney and beyond. Some of our things were at our new temporary place, some were in our parents' garages and even more of our belongings were in storage. I didn't have everything with me and it felt strange. Everything was so temporary.
Another move later and we are finally in our own house which we have purchased. It's definitely a family home, in a family focused community, and we're taking a while to get used to it - and to unpack the final boxes!
It's interesting how feelings about where you live have such an influence on your emotional state. Some people understand this but I have had others giggle at my restless revelations.
The constant flighty feelings I did have are slowly disappearing as we go about nesting and settling into our new home (and community). We're making it ours... but oh so gradually! I hope we spend a long time here.
: : :
{This oh-so-relatable piece by Rhonda Yanitsas on the theme "restless" is part of a new guest post series on my blog - back after a break last week - called The Storytellers. To see more from The Storytellers, follow this tag. Rhonda blogs at about her family's new life in Botany, Sydney.}
Images from here, here and here, all licensed under Creative Commons.