Oh, look!

It's all becoming very real. Now I can say "next month" when anyone asks me when the baby is due, and that is simultaneously thrilling and terrifying. On the weekend we managed to set up a little 'nursery nook' for the baby. In a two-bedroom house with two adults, a part-time teenager (that is, she lives here part time, the teenager bit is full time), a home office and soon a baby, there will be no official 'baby's room' or nursery.

But we did manage to repurpose a little alcove by the back door and facing onto the lounge room, next to my office, into Baby B's little day area.

Thus with a quick trip to Ikea and an evening of fussing, heaving and swearing over bizarre instructions, we are almost ready for baby to arrive.

It occurs to me that I never did make an official gender announcement about our little bundle-to-be on this blog. Can you guess now?

Naomi Bulger

writer - editor - maker 

slow - creative - personal 


Why I write


Chain reactions