Adelaide insta-weekend
At the park, rain-mist and a light breeze build goosebumps up and down my arms, welcome after a sweltering yesterday. We toss a ball for Oliver until he gets so weary he runs away with it and lies down under a tree, one paw possessively on the ball and a suspicious eye on the three of us.
Coffee and vintage shopping at E for Ethel, where hot drinks are served up with lines from children's storybooks; fashion lessons from a 1979 Woman's Weekly; and all kinds of "just so you know for Christmas" hints from Emily. We sit at the formica table and read our books and magazines, sip our coffees, share little stories with one another. It's a place that inspires lingering.
Later, we undertake an expedition of the thrift and antique markets at Port Adelaide. Outside, Mr B uncovers a childhood memory from more than 30 years ago. Inside, Emily indulges in a spot of face art.
A family afternoon. Fish 'n chips at the pub; dad and daughter rumbles (loud with laughter); sun bursting through clouds as we stroll back along the old port river; seagulls that swoop and catcall anyone who'll listen.
Back home: a dip in the swimming pool; a hot cup of tea; silly British sitcoms from the 70s on TV; joyful games on the carpet with Ruby. Isn't she adorable?