A lovely conversation
Probably you know, although possibly you don't, that a little while ago I wrote a book. It's a short little magical realism novella called Airmail that you can read in one afternoon. A tad more recently (April this year, in fact), Airmail was published. And even more recently (yesterday, to be precise), Cam Robbins of Novelspot interviewed me about this whole process.
This was definitely the most fun interview I'd done, because the questions were so thoughtful. Cam wanted to know why I wrote letters of thanks to people who bought Airmail, why I started the 'travelling Airmail' project, what was behind the dual settings of New York and Sydney, and what novel came next.
If you want to know the answers to these questions (and more), you can read the full interview here. I'd love your thoughts. Did I explain everything ok?
Oh and ps, the cover of my little book looks like this. I had very limited say on what it would be, which only made my relief all the greater when I saw this cover because I absolutely love it. Hurrah!