discovering joyful things

snail mail Naomi Bulger snail mail Naomi Bulger

Tiny letters







I've made something for you! Tiny handmade envelopes, created from the delicate, antique, tissue-paper that separated each of the old postcards I set free a few weeks ago.

I kept the tissue when I posted the 100-year-old cards, and traced, hand-cut and pasted each individual piece into a miniature envelope.

What better words to place inside a tiny envelope than a tiny poem, so I copied haikus and senryus onto tiny pieces of paper, then slipped one into each envelope, and sealed it with wax.

Would you like to receive your own tiny poem in a tiny envelope, handmade out of antique tissue, in the mail?

I made 54 tiny letters and I am happy to send them to you anywhere in the world. What will your poem say? Will it speak to something you know, an ah-ha moment that reminds you that you belong in this world? Will it trigger an old memory? A sweet memory? Bittersweet? Or maybe it will simply be a bold imagining, taking you somewhere, or some-when, you have never been.

If you'd like to receive a tiny letter in the mail with a mystery haiku, share your address using the form below and I'll post it to you straight away. As I promised with the postcards, I'm happy to send one to your friends and family too, if you want to send me their addresses.

The mail will be sent on a first-come-first-sent basis, and I'll update this blog post when I've run out of tiny letters.

Yours sincerely, Naomi xo

UPDATE: 10pm Melbourne time, 17 June 2016 Thank you to everyone who responded to this fun postal project, I'll send out your tiny envelopes in the next couple of days. I hope you like them! I've run out of tiny envelopes for now but to anyone who missed out, feel free to subscribe to my blog to be among the first notified of any future mail-projects, and hit me up for some free mail-art while you're at it. Have a wonderful weekend!

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snail mail Naomi Bulger snail mail Naomi Bulger

Wish you were here



How would you like to receive a 100-year-old postcard in the mail?

I found several books of antique souvenir postcards at a market stall on the weekend. I kind of want to keep them because they are quite beautiful, however, call me sentimental but I also kind of want to give them flight.

So I have decided to do just that.

Postcards have always been created to travel the world through the post, carrying messages of surprise and thoughtfulness and silly stories and "wish you were here." That's their destiny. They shouldn't be hidden away in boxes or drawers, and these particular postcards have waited an entire century to be free.

Would you like one? I have 60 postcards, and I'm happy to send them to anyone, anywhere in the world. I might tell you a little story, share a moment from my life, or write a snippet of a poem. It'll be a surprise and, like the postcards themselves, each message will be different.

If you'd like to receive one of these lovely, old postcards in your letterbox, simply give me your address and I'll get writing. You can either do-so in the comments, or, if you'd prefer to keep your address private, use the form I've created below. I'll choose the postcards randomly, and send them out on a first-come, first-served basis. I'm happy to write to your friends and family too, if you want to send me their addresses.

I'll update this blog post to let you know when I've run out of postcards.

Yours sincerely, Naomi xo

UPDATE 25 May, 10pm:  As of just now I have run out of postcards, so I have disabled the form and am sitting down to write the ones I promised. If you missed out, I'm sorry! I promise to host another project like this as soon as I can find more vintage postcards, so stay tuned. Meanwhile, I still send mail-art to subscribers of this blog, so if that is something that interests you, you can find more information and request mail here

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