Snail-mail + friends

Some experiences are just better shared. Take snail mail, for example, which is traditionally more of a solitary activity. Last night I hosted in my home the very first of what will hopefully be many meetings of the Snail Mail Social Club. We pooled our crafty, stationery-esque resources, and sat around the dining table and snacked and sipped wine and told stories and laughed and wrote letters and painted pictures and made envelopes and crafted.

Before we knew it the night had drawn out wayyy longer than we'd intended, and when I crawled into bed that night it was in the smug knowledge that a big stack of stamped Christmas cards* was sitting on the table waiting to go into the post the next morning, and with that warm, happy feeling that comes from having enjoyed uncomplicated friendship.

* OK maybe the stack of cards woulda-coulda been bigger, but it's a SOCIAL club as well as a snail-mail club...

Naomi Bulger

writer - editor - maker 

slow - creative - personal



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