Spring clean your inbox

ScreenGrab1 ScreenGrab2 Have you heard of Unroll.me?* It's a simple (free!) service that instantly unsubscribes you from all those spammy newsletter emails you can't seem to shake. You know the ones? They are super annoying but they want you to jump through hoops to unsubscribe from them. Or you can't remember the password you made up that one time two years ago when you made a one-off purchase and didn't tick the opt-out box...

If you want to, you can also use the service to bundle all the newsletter-style emails you DO want into a once-a-day email. I joined up this weekend. I bunched 20 newsletters into one daily rollup, and managed to unsubscribe from 70 annoying and unwanted newsletters and ads. So refreshing!

*Not a sponsored post. Promise.

Naomi Bulger

writer - editor - maker 

slow - creative - personal 


Bunkering down


Where I live