Post-it bombs

A funny thing happened on the Internet the other day. I typed "recipe for arnotts hundreds and thousands biscuits" into Google to see what would come up (side note: I LOVE those biscuits. Does anyone know how to replicate this flavour at home?)... anyhoo, via a circuitous interwebs route, I came across the blog of Queensland artist Fee Harding, Burntfeather. Fee lived in Japan for a year and while she was there, she embarked on what she called "the 100 post it note project." She drew sweet little pictures on post-it notes and carried them with her everywhere, leaving these tiny pieces of portable art in public places. She called it a less invasive form of street art, which I think is true and rather considerate of her, don't you?

I just love this idea, and Fee has given me permission to replicate some of her lovely, impermanent drawings here on this blog. Others have picked up on the idea, and there's even a PostProject Flickr group if you want to get in on the action (or see what other post-it bombers are doing). Neat, huh?

All images used with Fee's kind permission, from here.

Naomi Bulger

writer - editor - maker 

slow - creative - personal

Sunday night


In Edinburgh Gardens