Meals on Wheels - Sliders on Tyres






According to my two-and-a-half year old daughter, everything tastes better when it is little. So when we were choosing a food truck at the International Street Food Festival* on the weekend, Sliders on Tyres seemed the obvious choice.

For $14, you get a tray of two sliders plus hand-cut chips. I chose the Fisherman (spiced calamari) and Classic Cheeseburger (pulled beef) and let's just say I didn't regret it (read: I inhaled both). The chips were good too, although I submit Evidence A above that I hadn't even finished taking the photographs before the thievery began. I hope they're still making The Boss (pork sausage) the next time I find this food truck, because that looked rather tasty too.

I'm no food writer so I'm not going to try to describe these burgers because I wouldn't do them justice but let's just say that BOTH were up there with the best I've tasted in a long, long time. Also, I present Exhibit B in evidence that the chips were, well, see for yourself!


* Ok the International Street Food Festival. It was… ok, but WAY too expensive. We went along on a whim and, since we couldn't all fit in the car, I took Em and the kids and Mr B took a taxi. When we got there I realised I didn't have cash for parking, so we all got out of the car and loaded both children into the pram and tried to walk through the parking gate. Only to be told by the guys at the gate that we couldn't walk through and instead had to go around and that it was a three kilometre walk. Tried to call Mr B in his taxi but couldn't get through. Started to unpack food for kids to keep them happy during a 3k walk at their lunch time. Ralph started screaming. Guys at parking gate took pity on us and said ok, you can go through. (BLESS THEM!) Packed kids back into car, both protesting loudly. Found parking space, got kids back into pram (more protests). Got to gate, lined up for tickets, only to discover that they were $36 per adult. Doesn't that seem a bit rich to you? But by then I was damned if I was giving up and putting those children back into the car so I forked out and found a spot on the grass to feed my starving kids. The result is that we spent more than $100 for access to what essentially we can find for free at any given day at Edinburgh Gardens or Yarraville or the Batman Market, not to mention Trailer Park at Village Melbourne. Apparently there were some good bands playing, but by the time we'd gone through all of that and eaten our lunch it was time to get the children home for their naps, so I didn't get to hear them. If you'd like a better review of this event, Dee from Wild about Melbourne was there too. Wish I'd seen her!

Naomi Bulger

writer - editor - maker 

slow - creative - personal

Dress your baby in Week 1 (winter baby)


Make this - snail mail concertina pockets