8 cute and clever designs

If you're one to spend hours on the computer tweaking the look of your blog; designing invitations, business cards or brochures; or just generally playing at making things pretty, I have good news for you! Creative Market opened its doors today. This is an online marketplace for "handcrafted, mouse-made design content," made by independent, creative folks all over the world. Think of it as Etsy for your desktop.

Here are eight of my favourite designs. What are yours?









More content will be added all the time so keep checking back. And if you are pretty nifty with a mouse yourself, you can always open your own shop in the Creative Market. Go here.

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And also, here I am lately on English Muse and iVillage:

Beautiful papercuts The new nesting Cartoons on reading Show someone you care

Naomi Bulger

writer - editor - maker 

slow - creative - personal 


Little artists and weekend links


On stubbornness and storytelling